Moon Knight Review – ꜱᴘᴇᴋᴛʀ

(warning : Moon Knight spoilers ahead)


A huge issue that Marvel Series faces from WandaVision is the smaller runtime/episodes in a season – Even though WandaVision was a 9-episode series, it is below 30-minute runtime did not help. As a result, the finale and character arc seem like they are in a rush in general. Thankfully, Moon Knight did not completely finish the story as it has so much more potential and exploration in the life of Marc Spector. But still, Moon Knight suffers a rushed storytelling which can be easily recognized in episode 6.

Back to reality ?

By the ending of Episode 5, we have seen Marc finally attaining the peace he wanted for a long time by entering the Field of Reeds but losing Steven in the Land Of Duat is not fair, so he manages to meet him and after an emotional conversation – They were transferred back to the world by none other than the Osiris, as only they can stop Amit.

Marvel really did a great job in portraying the relationship between Steven and Marc which gives a sense of reason – The audience would really need a tissue in the big moment where Marc handed his crystalized heart to Steven which foreshadows them giving both a new life with a shared heard and mind. ( but at the end of the episode….we knew that the unified heart is not as whole as it seems)……..

God level battels and new avatars

Moon Knight really delivers what a true fight between Gods will be like, Episode 6 really manifested the visuals and action aspects that the series lacked.

The fight between Khonshu and Amit really gave Godzilla vs Kong vibes which are obvious, the fight itself was quite entertaining to really feel how the weight of the characters would be felt.

What really surprised me was that Layla became the Avatar of Taweret – Hippo goddess due to the massacre of all other Avatars by Amit, the suit aside, her fight sequences and importance were greatly choreographed when she was fighting beside Moon Knight/ Mr. Knight.

There is no Layla El-Faouly in Marvel Comics, but there is a “Foul” family – Abdul and his son Mehemet – who each took on the mantle of the Scarlet Scarab. Scarab was a protector of Eygpt who could shift alliances; with Layla openly confirming herself as an Egyptian superhero, it does seem like this could be the MCU’s take on the Scarlet Scarab character. 

The fight seqences between Harrow and Marc/Steven was a treat to see as both Marc and Steven can now easily operate with each other due to their shared mind.

The finale of the fight is where the craziness will reach it’s peak which should be only seen with you’re own eyes.

Rushed? :

While the finale really gives a great entertainment, due to the 45 minute duration – there was not enough time to breathe and take in the info, even at the end when Marc/Steven main objective was to be free from Khonshu’s bind , it resolved in a blink – Maybe they might planned that to show the left out things and the depth in season 2??

Overall – Moon Knight got the same obligatory Marvel finale treatment.

Meet Jake Lockey :

The biggest twist of Moon Knight Season 1 comes in the end-credits scene, which basically reveals that we still don’t really know Marc Spector, at all. Harrow/Ammit is taken out of a mental institution (with some horrific violence) and delivered to a limousine where Khonshu is waiting for him. He then revealed that he never wanted Layla to be his new avatar and when Harrow mocks him that he would never kill him – He gets shot down by his limo driver aka “Jake Lockey”.

He is the one in the “Red Sarcophagus” and the third personality of Marc’s dark side and is the inside man for all Harrow’s dirty works. It is actually Jake who brutally defeats Harrow and saves Layla, when Marc/Steven/Moon Knight faltered in battle. 

Jake is portrayed as the wealthy man with a lavish lifestyle which Marc Spector has in the comics. The final shot pans at Jake limo’s custom license plate “SPEKTR”.

Verdict :

Moon Knight suffers from the common backdrop that was faced by all the marvel series finale – Rushed conclusion but still manages to balances the aspects by delivering a somewhat of a conclusion to a beginning in the origin story of Marc/Steven/Jake.

“I — I’ve been sick my whole life. And I’ve felt ashamed of that. I tried to hide it. I think that’s what the mask really was. Another way to hide. But I don’t want to hide anymore. I don’t want to be ashamed anymore. I just want to be me.” 

Rating: 8 out of 10.

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