Moon Knight Episode 4 Review – Bingo!

PS : Contains spoilers

My primary plan was to review Moon Knight after its the conclusion of 6 episodes in a couple of weeks. But I just can’t sway away to write one after watching Episode 4 – The Tomb

In the past 3 episodes, we were still introduced to the foundation plot of Marc’s suffering and the sacrifice he is doing while protecting his wife Layla at the same time fighting with his other personalities which resonates with the characteristics he is unable to possess.

I have no knowledge about the origins of Moon Knight except that Marc Specter is an Ex – Mercenary who was reincarnated as the avatar of the Egyptian God of Moon – Khonshu , and i kept it that way just because for the suspense which was brilliantly portrayed in the latest episode.

We see that Steven lost his power due to the entrapment of Khonshu and Harrow is so close to opening up the tomb of Ammit – whose release will make the world a living hell. Steven and Layla started their Lara Croft ride too in hopes of securing the Ex-Avatar before Harrow.

The whole Tomb exploration gave a strong Lara Croft vibes which was a big change compared to the other 3 episodes, in a scene, it’s revealed that Marc’s partner killed Layla’s father and Steven also revealed that Marc is only trying to protect her from Khonshu but she declined the suffering.

Fortunately, Steven found the tomb first but when they hear Harrow’s men, Marc comes out and gave the stone to Layla and defends her, and this is where the series takes an unfortunate twist – Harrow cold-bloodedly shoots Marc but this time for real as Khonshu is not there to reincarnate him neither his powers, so no resurrections this time…

This is the real game-breaking scene as we see Marc was in a Mental Asylum where Harrow is his psychiatrist – “Are the first 3 and a half episodes just fantasies inside Marc’s head or is this Asylum is just Marc’s fragmentation of finding him self “.

When trying to escape he came across a tomb in one of the rooms which sounds familiar when opened it was Steven and when Marc asked what he remembers, Steven ensures that he was shot was Harrow and they came across another tomb but this tomb gave more of a horror tone unlike Steven’s – This hopefully is the 3rd personality of Marc – Jake who is portrayed as a Psychopath by the movie – nerds.

Overall as there are only 2 more episodes, episode 4 gave a great groundwork to the upcoming episodes with a lot of twists and mind-bending mysteries yet to unravel.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

Stranger Things Season 4 Vol.2 Review – An Anticlimactic Beginning to the End

“The Review below may contain some spoilers for Stranger Things Season 4 Vol.2” Some initial impressions for most of the fans would be a head – scratcher when the Duffer Brothers said Vol.2 will contain only 2 episodes. But the lengthy 2hr 30 min finale  “Chapter Seven: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab” fitted perfectly resolving…

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