Next Instalment of the Tomb Raider announced by Crystal Dynamics – Will run on Unreal Engine 5 :

It’s been 4 years since the Tomb Raider trilogy has been concluded , Tomb Raider launched on the original PlayStation in 1996 and has spawned numerous sequels, a reboot, and three movies and fans and general seems to love it.

Dallas Dickinson, franchise director at Crystal Dynamics announced the future of Tomb Raider on Twitter out of the blue , quoting “the new engine will translated into next levels storytelling and gameplay . It’s worth mentioning that the previous Tomb Raider trilogy’s gameplay was smooth and exciting and simply awesome , so we can seriously expect a notch up in terms of gameplay.

via : @Tomb Raider

The plot work and release window are TBA as it seems they are still in the pre – production process.

During the State of Unreal event, Epic revealed a slide that showed off the numerous other developers working on Unreal Engine 5 projects at the moment, and there are many. Some worth mentioning are PS Studios , Xbox Studios , CD Projekt RED , Coalition , Obsidian , Haven Studios , Gearbox and a whole lot of other innovative studios. Which makes the production process easier as Unreal Engine is Open source and is widely popular .

Stranger Things Season 4 Vol.2 Review – An Anticlimactic Beginning to the End

“The Review below may contain some spoilers for Stranger Things Season 4 Vol.2” Some initial impressions for most of the fans would be a head – scratcher when the Duffer Brothers said Vol.2 will contain only 2 episodes. But the lengthy 2hr 30 min finale  “Chapter Seven: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab” fitted perfectly resolving…

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