Nintendo confirms that Breath of the Wild is Spring 2023 release

Nintendo announced that the sequel to the 2017 game of the year winner Legend Of Zelda : Breath Of The Wild is not a 2022 game anymore .

The announcement was made via YouTube, with Eiji Aonuma, producer of the Legend of Zelda series, and they also revealed the updated release date which will be Spring 2023. In my opinion, the delay is not much of a surprise as there was a long disruption of production for so many projects due to Covid.

The developers also mentioned that they’re upgrading the gameplay elements which will take place “in the skies above” as well as on the ground. The first game is an incredible treat in terms of artwork and overall story and gameplay, so it’s only common that they’re planning to take the sequel to the next level and it’s perfectly alright to take their time but in return all the fans want is a polished game.

In any case, Nintendo seems to intentionally be keeping the game mysterious. Breath of the Wild 2‘s title is still unknown nearly three years after the game’s announcement. The trailers do show bits of gameplay, but raise more questions which makes it even more worth the hype!

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