The Batman Review – They did it!

“They really did it” , this was my honest thought when i was watching the movie.

The Batman movie actually rises above the conventional DCEU movies and fairs to stand out amongst the various versions of the characters. The last time a Batman movie made headlines was the Dark Knight trilogy from Christopher Nolan, which paved a benchmark for the character. But the new Batman movie adds more flavor to the character, which makes it distinct.

Care for a riddle ?

Via: Warner Bros. Pictures

Matt Reeves, who previously helmed the Cloverfield films and two Planet of the Apes movies, takes on the reboot of Batman, the DC Comics superhero without superpowers. Robert Pattison slips into the mask and heavy-duty costume of the orphaned billionaire vigilante of Gotham City.

Keep in mind that “The Batman” is not a fast-paced action movie guns blazing. This is the first different take in which we can see Bruce Wayne is still figuring out that Vengeance and bloodshed is not the only option and he’s using his resources efficiently, we can see a lot of detective work going on which is obvious as the main antagonist is “The Riddler” who loves giving puzzles for people’s lives, the movie will be slow-paced most of the time but when it comes to the action boy-oh-boy. The cinematography and camera angles are so weird in a good way and the stunts are done soo down to earthly manner but still kick ass. We can see that Bruce Wayne is still not equipped with all the fancy Bat-gadgets who still use a parachute for traversing in an emergency. The movie also reveals a bi-lateral way of portraying the characters of Gotham – Even the good guys make mistakes right!

The Batman is dark and ominous. The opening hour of the nearly three-hour-long film has a more graphic/comic book style of shot-taking and editing but the visual style changes along the way cinematographer Greig Fraser’s shot taking, lensing, and lighting remain stunning throughout, even during the damp squib of a climax.

The citizens of Gotham

Via: Warner Bros. Pictures

Robert Pattinson is a great Batman, surly and serious, but not impenetrable. His Bruce is still open to learning, still capable of feeling, but isn’t invincible. He might not crack a smile in this film, but it’s conceivable that he could, once he achieves a better work-life balance. Zoë Kravitz also makes for a great Selina Kyle, even though the movie does little to establish Catwoman as a known presence the way it does Batman which we don’t have to worry about as a sequel is already confirmed.

All the supporting characters too, especially Colin Farrell’s Penguin done a marvelous job in giving the character life, he might be the main antagonist.


The three-hour-long movie feels absolutely comfortable and gritty in showcasing the detective story of the character that keeps growing stronger. Talking of direction, the movie has been brilliantly made with great bokeh effects and remarkable lighting, and unusual camera angles. As mentioned above this is just the beginning of the new batman era in the present world, This DC reboot will leave you longing for Gotham.

Rating: 4.5 out of 5.

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