Elden Ring might be the Game Of The Year

NOTE: I haven’t played the game and these reviews are just what I’ve seen and heard from the early access reviews and players who preloaded it.

Elden Ring is a successor to Fromsoftware’s Dark Souls game, but what separates this is the massive open world and the players’ freedom. The Souls games are excellent, so despite reusing much of what we’ve seen before, it all works. Where Elden Ring retreads the past, it’s like playing a new, remixed, and remastered version of a Souls game—with some frustrating technical problems to really replicate those old times.

It is also worth mentioning that the horse transversal is not as impactful as Red Dead Redemption 2 but hey, we can double jump and fly in Elden Ring, so no complaints there. Because of the open world, there are opportunities to circumvent some of the third-person, hack-and-slash fights that would eviscerate you in another Souls game, but it’s still difficult as hell and Elden Ring’s enemy variety and AI is Fromsoftware’s best comparatively, with a lot of thinking rather than the hack and slash we do in a generic open-world game, but this can be said to all the souls game but what made this special is the enemy power level and mode of fighting.

There is no waypoint to tell you where to go, it’s up to the player or you can follow the shrine of light by memorizing the map which lets you progress the story by revealing the side boss and main boss to a dungeon, or else if you are a veteran souls player, you can just skip these and truly explore the world and skip the first section of the game where you can get powerful weapons if you can kill the enemies. There are endless possibilities to play the game not a single order to play but it is recommended if you are a soul’s newbie.

Elden Ring features the same deliberate combat that’s now conventional for these types of games, except here it’s fully refined. You swing, the enemy swings and both of you can interrupt each other’s attacks with acute timing. You can counter-strike right after parrying enemy attacks with a heavy attack, there are runic attacks and you can even summon an army of Tarnished to fight for you and much more……

 Elden Ring echoes some of the best fights in the series with towering bosses and groups of enemies that force you to make snap judgments about which to prioritize, but it also echoes some of the worst, giving its late-game enemies and bosses so much health that beating them can be laborious instead of fun.

It’s the kind of game where even if you spend a handful amount of hours you might not even progress through the first boss. They’re all fun to play with while fighting weaker enemies out in the open world, but when it comes time to fight inside one of the game’s “Legacy” dungeons, which are essentially Dark Souls levels set in castles and swamps, they don’t often make a clear difference.

The main thing to appreciate about this game is the one of a kind open world where even if you finish the main game there are still tonnes of hidden bosses and lore to uncover and lots of awesome builds to craft, as commented before “There are endless possibilities” and this might be the next big step towards the Open World genre. One pocket of land might house undead soldiers who fall to pieces with a poof of magic, while another one might contain ruthless giants who can shrug off an ax cleaved into their side.

Conclusion :

 Elden Ring is more of what players already adore, but family-sized. It has everything that makes these games so intoxicating, and that lodges their intricate fiction thanks to George R.R Martin’s clever writing. It might not be the game for everyone due to its difficulty but experiencing this game at least one is a must and who knows, Fromsoftware might add an easy mode in the future. And this is where the open-world genre games should move forward to.

Stranger Things Season 4 Vol.2 Review – An Anticlimactic Beginning to the End

“The Review below may contain some spoilers for Stranger Things Season 4 Vol.2” Some initial impressions for most of the fans would be a head – scratcher when the Duffer Brothers said Vol.2 will contain only 2 episodes. But the lengthy 2hr 30 min finale  “Chapter Seven: The Massacre at Hawkins Lab” fitted perfectly resolving…

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